Saturday, March 31, 2012

Best Spill-Proof Cup Ever!

Brylie has been through the rounds of sippy cups. We've tried about 3 different brands and styles. The short cups, the silicone cups, the cups with straws, etc, and I always seem to have the same problems. A) Brylie is a chewer. The silicone cups do not last against her little jaws, and B) they are NOT spill proof and/or leak proof! They may say they are but they always end up leaking. I hate leaking sippy cups. We had the same problem with bottles. We started out with Dr. Browns and finished with the Playtex Drop-Ins. I had bought about 10 different Dr. Browns bottles and they ALL ended up leaking. I tried a few others and finally tried the Playtex. Couldn't be happier! They lasted forever and never once leaked! I should have put two and two together- If I loved the Playtex bottles I should have gone straight for the Playtex sippies. The thing is, Walmart is 5 minutes away and Babies-R-Us is 15 minutes away. Yes, I'm just that lazy. It seemed ridiculous to drive that far to look for a sippy cup, but tonight I did! Staring at me on display in the center of the aisle was a Playtex set of 2 sippy cups. Advertised as follows: 12m+, #1 Spill-Proof Cup, 100% Spill-Proof, Leak-Proof, Break-Proof Guarantee, Insulated to keep drinks cool longer, Twist 'n Click Leak-Proof Seal. I was sold, so I bought them for a little over 8 bucks. I took them home and immediately tested them out on the professional. Brylie took to them right away. They are very bright and cheerful so I can see why. She was able to easily drink out of them and when the cup was shook and held up-side down there was no leaking whatsoever. The final test? Throwing it on the floor from the high chair, of course. It held up just fine. I'm so happy I finally found a great cup for Brylie and next time I'm sticking with Playtex!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Using Utensils

I had bought Brylie some plastic utensils a while ago so she could start practicing using them. At the time I thought they would be perfect for her. She was showing interest, but she would give up after a couple tries. I noticed they were a little bulky and made it difficult to actually pick up food. Last night we went out for dinner and since I didn't have her baby utensils with me I let her use a "grown up" fork. To my surprise she did great! She used her fork the whole time and any time I tried to help her she would say "No!" She is little miss independent. So of course I had to test my theory that in fact it was the plastic fork that was limiting her abilities, not her own stubborn-ness. So, for lunch today I cooked her some carrots and gave her a normal fork. Once again she did great! I'm so glad she is getting the hang of it!

When did your kids get the hang of using utensils? Did you use "baby" ones like I tried, or skip straight to the grown up stuff?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trip to the Park

After work today Brylie and I took a little trip to Greenfield park. She had way too much fun and spent most of the time in the baby swing. I'm so glad I brought my camera because she was beyond adorable walking around with her play jewelry on. Thanks again Grandma Sue!

I love our little trips!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Cookies!

It's been warming up the past couple of days, and with Easter right around the corner I thought it was a great day to make some festive sugar cookies. I used an entire bottle of pink sprinkles and it was so worth it!

Now my precious daughter needs to wake up from her nap so I can find out if they are any good or not!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yogurt Drops

Pinspired! As I was pinning some fun kid friendly recipes, I came across one that looked too good to be true. How to make yogurt drops at home. I've seen them in the baby snack aisle, so I had to try it. It's really simple! Take a pair of scissors and make a tiny hole at the bottom of a small ziplock bag. Place the bag inside a cup, dish, whatever. This becomes a piping bag. Pour the yogurt into said bag.

Now simply dispense the yogurt onto a plate or baking sheet in small drops. Put them in the freezer and let them sit for a couple hours.

Delicious!! My daughter loved them and was visibly upset when they were all gone. Needless to say there is another batch in the freezer as we speak!